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Certification Courses

EPA608 Certification Course

Online CPO Certification Course and Exam

Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 9:00 AM (EDT) to Friday, April 24, 2020 at 12:00 PM (EDT)

Event Details

While maintenance teams are instructed to only handle emergency work orders until the coronavirus danger subsides, while we must observe social distancing, you can still use this time to gain EPA608 Certification

Federal Regulations: The Federal Clean Air Act, Section 608, requires anyone who services or repairs appliances and equipment containing regulated refrigerants to be certified. The EPA also restricts the sale of refrigerants to certified technicians only. 
Preparing for the Exam: Each session of this study course will be conducted virtually and students must have access to a computer for designated session times (video and audio capabilities are recommended for participation). There will also be homework and practice tests suggested between sessions. Registration can be completed using a Chadwell Supply account number or credit card.

Taking the Online Proctored Exam: After completion of the selected sections of the study course, participants will receive a link to schedule their exam. The exam will require credit card payment and access to a computer with audio and video capabilities. 

Anyone who only needs to take (or retake) the exam can email for testing information.

If you do not wish to join study sessions and only need to retest one or two sections, please email for information about the virtually proctored EPA608 exam.


April 20 at Noon | Registration Deadline

April 21-24 9AM-12PM (Daily) | Online Prep Series


Cost: Online Prep Series $85 | Virtual Exam Session $85

Register Online Here*
*Those who previously paid for the in-person course will be refunded via check.

For More Information:

Coastal Georgia Apartment Association Logo P.O. Box 13247
Savannah, Georgia 31416