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CoCGAA Committees


The purpose of the Education and Programs Committee is twofold: First, to provide programming for membership meetings, and second, provide the members with informative and enlightening classes and seminars. Both should provide content that is relevant to the multi-family housing industry.


Select education topics/speakers for the Association for the year. This includes anything from lunch & learn programs to larger seminars presented by national speakers, maintenance education programs, and credential programs such as CAM and NALP.


This segment of the committee helps the Association develop content and recruit speakers for quarterly meetings, as well as any additional events outside those listed below. These include social events such as a bowling get together or holiday party, appreciation events, and additional business/networking events such as "Business After Hours".

Committee Chair: Cathy Hontz, Rent.


The purpose of the Government Affairs Committee is to report on and respond to local, state, and national legislation that affects the apartment industry. This committee is responsible for ensuring that members are aware of the legislation, how it will affect them, and how they should respond to it. This committee is also responsible for planning fundraisers for the Better Government Fund and PAC.

Committee Chair: 


This purpose of the Advertising and Communications Committee is to promote advertisement opportunities on our website and social media pages to CGAA Members. This committee is also responsible for promoting engagement of our members by creating posts for social media, e-mail/print flyers, and on the website via blog posts. This committee will work closely with the Education and Programs Committee to create flyers for upcoming education classes, networking events, etc.

Committee Chair: Carly Haslett, Rent.


Responsible for recruiting new members. This committee shall formulate plans and conduct activities and programs to increase new membership and provide effective membership retention. This committee is also responsible for introducing new members and helping them meet other members at meetings and making them feel welcome. This committee is about promoting good will and retention with current members and contacting potential new members to invite them to attend at least one member meeting to see what the Association is about.

Committee Chair: Ronnie Moore, Riverwalk Savannah


After Board approval, this committee contacts and schedules speakers for monthly meetings. This committee will work closely with the Association Executive in getting information published and distributed to members.

Committee Chair: Samantha Rowe, Cushman & Wakefield


This committee is responsible for initiating, planning, and implementing community projects with Board approval. This committee should get the information out to the membership, community, and other organizations to get them involved.

Committee Chair: Melissa Wagner, Trion Properties


This committee is responsible for planning special events such as Vendor Appreciation and the Trade Show. This committee will work closely with the Association Executive and must follow budget, choose venue, menu and entertainment, and produce sign up flyers for any such event.

Committee Chair: